Get career advice from ex-Googler

Frederic has been helping people get to where they want to get to for over 15 years.

Need Help with Your Next Move?

Searching for jobs and working out what you want your next chapter to look like can be overwhelming. Don’t do it alone!

Book a free careers call with ex-Googler, Frederic Kalinke to discuss your ambitions and receive practical advice to supercharge your employability.

  • Break into big tech

    Frederic helped Pat identify the best routes into non-technical roles at Facebook and Google.

  • Progress into Product

    Frederic helped Prashant break into a product management role at a tech company.

  • Cruise into Charity

    Frederic helped Naomi build the skills and network to land a job in communications for a charity.

  • Dive into Digital

    Frederic helped Akanshaa learn a set of skills that helped her land a dream role in an e-commerce giant.

  • Move into Marketing

    Frederic helped Max with a methodology that knocked the socks off interviewers in product marketing roles.

  • Jump into data analytics

    Frederic helped Natasya navigate into data analysis roles by landing interviews at tech companies.

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Get Digital Fast

Digital is the language of modern business.

Understanding the digital world is vital to thrive in today’s workplace. You need a plan and the right tools for your journey.

You need to speak like a digital native to boost employability and maximise your impact in the world’s hottest companies.

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Review, Not Just Resume.

To land a dream job and thrive, it’s not enough to send a resume.

You need to show you care. Demonstrating preparation, knowledge, creativity and a unique point of view is critical to set you apart from other applicants.

Need a hand with job applications or unsure where to start? Book a call with Frederic to get the support you need.

Find your Winning Edge

Exactimo works with some of the best universities and business schools in the world to help ambitious individuals stand out from the crowd.

The company was born out of the need to help people get up to speed quickly, land dream jobs, and knock the socks off employers.

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Strength in Numbers

Knowledge shared is knowledge squared.

The Growth Community is a private LinkedIn group that helps our students reach their goals in the shortest possible time.

Exactimo is proud to connect ambitious and forward-thinking individuals through a safe and supportive online community. Members can exchange resources, practise interviews, discover exciting job opportunities, and ask questions to build digital confidence.

Feel the Love

Many of our students have described Exactimo as “one of the best thing they’ve done".

See the Wall of Love

  • ESMT
  • London Business School
  • Warwick Business School
  • Nottingham University Business School
  • University College Dublin
  • Alliance Manchester
  • Brandeis International Business School
  • University of Liverpool
  • Cass Business School
  • HEC Paris
  • Bath University
  • Henley Business School
  • Imperial College
  • Schwartzman Scholars
  • Regents University
  • SDA Bocconi
  • Birkbeck
  • London School of Economics
  • Cambridge Judge Business School
  • Tsinghua University
  • Scheller College of Business
  • Berlin Professional School
  • Said Business School
  • IMD Business School
  • St Gallen
  • Newcastle University Business School
  • Leeds University Business School
  • Broad College of Business
  • IESE Business School
  • IE
  • Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

Ready to take your career to the next level?

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