The Getting There Show - Shazia Ginai, Neuroscience & Brilliant Marketing

13 May 2021

How does the brain affect consumer behaviour? How do you transition into a leadership position? What makes a great Christmas TV ad? In this episode, Shazia Ginai, the CEO of Neuro-Insight and a seasoned insights professional shares her journey and wisdom.

The Getting There Show is about helping you get to you where you want to get to. We speak with brilliant people and unpack the key influences and decisions that have helped get them to where they are today. You’ll get the books, the mental models, inspirations and all the steps in their journey, to help guide you on your own path.

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Procter and Gamble:

Mary Portas’s Work Like a Woman Book:…

Brené Brown’s Dare To Lead Book:

Burger King’s Instagram gift to small businesses:…

Fenty make up brand by Rihanna:

Thinkbox and Neuro-Insight Creative Drivers of Effectiveness research:…

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